About Us


Rev. Dr. Tikeisha Harris

Rev. Dr. Tikeisha Harris' ministry focus is community engagement through partnerships with school districts, government agencies and service organizations. She believes that we do not wait for people to come into the church; instead, go where the people are, meet their needs and let them experience God’s love in a lived message.

Church History

Founding - 1993

New Liberation AME Church was founded January 3, 1993, by Reverend Harold B. Hayes and his partner in life and ministry, Reverend Kellie V. Hayes. Reverend Hayes was assigned by Bishop H. Hartford Brookins and under the supervision of Elder George A. Manning to start an AME Ministry in the Landover community.

Reverend Hayes was blessed to receive the first financial donation from Dr. Virginia Manning in the amount of $100.00 shortly after establishing the church. This money was used to establish a bank account for the ministry. Once all fees were paid for the checkbook, deposit slips and other necessities, there remained only $.50 in the account. Over the years, this story has become known as the 50 Cent Testimony. God will always provide what you need, no more and no less.

After much prayer and planning, the first service was held on January 3, 1993 at Kenmoor Middle School in Landover, Maryland. Hundreds attended this first service and were blessed. New Liberation held services at this location until 1995 when the church relocated to 3701 Hubbard Road in Landover, Maryland. Renovations were completed on the 6,000 square foot warehouse and in October of 1996, Bishop Vinton R. Anderson preached the dedication service.


The Hayeses served New Liberation and the Landover community faithfully and diligently until the Mid-Year Conference in 2000 when they were assigned to Hunter Memorial AME Church. Presiding Elder George A. Manning pastored New Liberation from October 2000 through April 2001. Under his dynamic leadership, the church was truly blessed.

At the Washington Annual Conference in April 2001, Bishop Vinton R. Anderson appointed the Reverend Andrew McCoy as the pastor of New Liberation. He served tirelessly and through the power of the Holy Spirit, took New Liberation to the next level in Kingdom building.


From April 2005 through November 2013, Reverend Frances Sparkman served as the pastor of New Liberation.


In November 2013, the Reverend Louis Kelly was appointed to New Liberation by Bishop William P. Deveaux and he brought with him a sense of expectation for what God can do through this ministry. He spearheaded the move from Landover to Mitchellville at Ernest Just Middle School where we worshipped until December of 2017.   Reverend Kelly served New Liberation faithfully for three years.


On April 22, 2017, Reverend Monica L. Aiken was appointed the Senior Pastor of New Liberation AME, serving alongside her husband, Reverend James Aiken, the Assistant Pastor. Under the moved from the multipurpose room at Ernest E. Just Middle to Hampton Park Boulevard. The switch to a new location allowed the church to have meetings, choir rehearsals, Bible Study, and Vacation Bible School at the church.

Ministry was moving forward when the world changed with the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. On March 15, 2020, the church held its final worship service at 505 Hampton Park Boulevard. Worship services continued virtually on Facebook Live and Bible Study on Zoom meetings. It taught us that the real ministry takes place outside the four walls of the church as God used us to continue to serve the community. We distributed food to seniors and rehabilitation centers and provided masks, toiletries, and school supplies.

As the world got back to normal, we continued to worship online and do the ministry of outreach. The Aikens served faithfully until their retirement in 2023.


With the retirement of Pastor Monica Aiken. Bishop James L. Davis sent Rev. Dr. Tikeisha Harris to serve as the Interim Pastor of New Liberation. The New Liberation family looks forward to continuing the work of ministry and seeing all the new experiences God will do in the future.

Mission and Vision

The Mission of every AME Church is to minister to the social, spiritual, and physical development of all people.

At every level of the connection and in every local church, the AME Church shall engage in carrying out the spirit of the original Free African Society, out of which the AME Church evolved; that is, to seek out and save the lost, and to serve the needy. It is also the duty of the Church to continue to encourage all members to become involved in all aspects of church training.

The ultimate purposes are:
(1) make available God’s biblical principles,
(2) spread Christ’s liberating gospel, and
(3) provide continuing programs which will enhance the entire social development of all people.

In order to meet the needs at every level of the Connection and in every local church, the AME Church shall implement strategies to train all members in:
(1) Christian discipleship,
(2) Christian leadership,
(3) current teaching methods and materials,
(4) the history and significance of the AME Church,
(5) God’s biblical principles, and
(6) social development to which all should be applied to daily living.